E-learning in the time of coronavirus-school-suspension

鄺頌晴 Chung Ching Kwong
5 min readMar 16, 2020

Technology remains nothing if not implemented in real life

Friends that are teachers here in Germany told me that they do not have any preparation in digital teaching/learning last week, and if schools are suspended, then that’s it for the school and the students. I am rather surprised by it because Germany is so desperate in catching up with innovations and technology (and 5G), but there are so little that is carried out in the everyday life situation. Innovations and technology are not only grand terms the government talks about, for a society to truly progress, technologies have to be used on a daily basis to really improve the life of citizens.

There are numerous of online programmes in Germany in the tertiary education system, at first glance it seems like digital learning is vibrant. However, as the government announced the suspension of schools, the problem of lacking the know-how and equipment to carry out digital learning is exposed as a national problem. In light of this, the corona-virus may once again serve as more than just a public health crisis, but an opportunity to examine what is lacking in the current social system of the society we are living in.

Digital learning or eLearning, refers to the electronic learning with the aid of computers and the Internet. Its importance has been stressed globally and it is believed that it would benefit students in the knowledge-based society that we are now in. There are numerous of attempts and initiatives on…



鄺頌晴 Chung Ching Kwong

貓老母。 IPAC高級分析員。 現於漢堡大學攻讀法律博士,研究個人資料保護/digital rights。所有內容均為個人意見。